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Crop Consulting

In-House Expertise

Did you know NeCo Seed offers Crop Consulting?

Our purpose at NeCo Seed is to put you in a winning position on your farm with proven genetics, competitive prices and exceptional service. We can’t claim ‘exceptional’ without offering exceptional resources to our customers.

Our in-house Agronomists are extending their knowledge to our customers through our Crop Consulting Program.

This program offers you weekly scouting reports. Including observations for everything from weeds, disease, insects, and fertility. You can also request individual sampling for anything, from soil and tissue testing to nematode egg count.

Pair your sampling with our Next Best Action recommendations report and ensure the best yields for your harvest.

Success Stories

Leeroy Creekmore
Organic Seed- Majestic Milling

We were having population issues on some of our organic seed last spring. Not knowing whether this was a planting or even a possible contamination issue we called NeCo. Caleb Bates came down and diagnosed the problem on the spot. He took some samples with him and the results came back conclusive. He was spot on! Very knowledgeable and just a phone call away.

Kyle Stutzman
Stutzman Farms

They kept the routine checks within the same day and time each week, which was nice. It made it easy to approach them if I ever had a question. I received immediate feedback when they found potential problems along with a range of budget friendly next step plans to combat those issues. Their weekly reports were emailed directly to me and easy to read. All-in-all Caleb did a great job and went above and beyond expectations by providing me with a sense of security that followed me through harvest.

Kenny Hall

I am a firm believer they make me money. Yes, sometimes it is adding cost in spraying but the harvest pays off. It frees me up to not have to worry about constant rounds of checking for bugs, growth spurts, counts, etc. Hence more time to water cows and go fishing.

Want to share your NeCo Seed consulting program success?

Send us a message and we will feature your story here!


Reach out to NeCo’s Certified Crop Advisor, Caleb Bates C.C.A., at 816 258-1187 or message us directly through the link below.