We choose genetics and seed technologies that are intentional for your farm’s prosperity
We realize you have many options in the seed industry. NeCo has a regional mindset. We evaluate the potential of soybean technologies to ensure you are getting maximum tailored profitability within your fields.
As each year brings a new set of challenges, our goal is your success.
Unlike others, we do not limit ourselves to just one trait. We carry multiple genetics. Our trusted advisors can help identify products and forward-thinking strategies to give you a solid growing season. We value your patronage and look forward to partnering with you.
Part of our Identity Preserved Process — each variety is tracked all the way through from harvest to cleaning to bagging to planting. We work closely with each breeder to keep the purest of varieties.
We follow a rigorous process of seed segregation, field mapping, Inspections, equipment maintenance, bin sampling, and quality assurance programs to ensure the identity preservation throughout the cycle of each variety.
We not only buy in bulk pricing, we also have an impressive network of suppliers. This allows us to gain the best price options for you.
From Growers, just like you. We offer a comprehensive Grower Training program, providing our network of growers with genetics that are fit for their farm. Backed by extensive testing and Chemical and Fertilizer programs that secure a healthy harvest.
NeCo assists in the product, variety selection, identity preservation, storage, conditioning, and packaging of agricultural products through a network of growers. We strive to support and educate our customers with the newest methods in the industry, providing a wide range of regionally adapted and tested products that meet the needs of every farmer’s target price. We exhibit a strong will to make you successful in every aspect of your operation.
Willcross Seed
Our trademark brand, Willcross Seed, is a Missouri family-owned seed company that uses locally grown soybeans for seed production. Starting 35 years ago with 1 soybean variety, they now offer traits starting with conventional lines all the way to the newest traits. ‘Our purpose at Willcross Seed is to put you in a winning position on your farm with proven genetics, exceptional service, and competitive prices.’
Launching in 1982, DONMARIO Seeds grew quickly and soon earned its reputation as a brand that seeks better soybean genetics and soybean management practices for soybean farmers. Independent testing trials, countless third-party evaluations, and most importantly: farmers’ consistent success with DONMARIO soybeans continue to drive their passion and success today.
AgriGold corn hybrids and soybean varieties are developed by AgReliant Genetics. As one of the leading research programs in North America, AgReliant provides direct access to the best traits and unique germplasm through our globally positioned European parent companies, KWS and Limagrain. AgriGold does not simply breed for higher yield. They breed for environmental adaptability and optimal plant health throughout the growing season.
What is one of the most important traits we look for when deciding on the seed we offer?
Just as locally grown food tastes better, we believe that seed adapts to the region it is grown in, acclimating to the environment our part of the country presents. We evaluate traits that can increase yields in several locations and understand the same product may not be as successful in a different area.
Our Willcross Seed and DONMARIO Seeds brands are grown locally for you by our wide range of growers across Missouri and Kansas. They help us test and prove our strength each year. We condition varieties and strengthen them for you.
Seed testing and conditioning is an important element in our business. We provide a versatile selection of high quality seed for customers.
Seed usually represents a relatively small part of the monetary cost of producing a crop, yet the profit at harvest depends heavily upon the choice of seed for planting. The first step in choosing seed is to select the best adapted variety. The importance of this decision cannot be overemphasized. The variety choice and the quality of the seed set an upper limit on yield and crop potential.
At NeCo, we look for traits that can handle tough conditions, variances in soil types, and indicate good yield potential. After evaluating these seed traits through our grower programs to ensure best performance we keep close track of their quality through our Identity Preserved Process by tracking every process in the seed cycle. We trace everything from plant and grower inspections, to harvest and bin sampling. Our growers are held to a high standard to protect our seed quality and all aspects of the machinery and conditioning system are cleaned on a scheduled basis, backed by our GMP certification.
We realize you have many options in the seed industry. NeCo’s regional mindset is set up to guide our customers with extensive research and conditioning, cutting edge field analysis, proven genetics, and seed technologies that support you every step of the way.
We offer high quality, high-yielding Glyphosate-tolerant soybeans that still offer good defense.
Our Conventional soybeans are high-yielding, non-GMO soybeans that have great marketing opportunities for food grade and non-GMO contracts.
Enlist E3 soybeans offer the most advanced trait technology available in soybeans, providing a new standard for weed control and yield performance. With Enlist E3 soybeans three tolerances (2,4-D Choline, Glyphosate, and Glufosinate) combine to deliver a complete system with more weed control options.
XtendFlex soybeans combine proven, high-performing soybean genetics with triple-stacked herbicide tolerance for greater flexibility. Managing tough-to-control weeds, pre-emergence and postemergence. High-yield trait technology stacked on strong-yield agronomics.
Access to the complete AgriGold Corn line up. Conventional, Power-Core, VT2, VT2-DroughtGuard, Viptera, SmartStax and more. High-yielding, Robust AgReliant Genetics with 28+ treatment and trait options that are locally tested through on-farm trials.
Interested in learning more?
Give us a call at 816-862-8203 and let’s talk crop!